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Sunday 5 February 2012


this is my second entry..tergerak nk tulis blog balik sbb rase rugi to let all my memories and feeling hlg macm tu jer, cnthnya esok lusa aku akn lupa perasaan yg aku lalui hari ni..seronok ker sedey ke, rase syg rindu sgt kat tunang..heee
nak cakap ap ek entry ni..byk benda aku lalui miggu ni,rase nk kongsi jer dgn semua org tp aku private kn blog aku ni hehee

ok la saje tuk peringatan ak nant..ak skrg kat posting gak la posting ni sbb the peope inside are damn nice and hectic environment..cuma aku xsuka part knowlege orthopedic ni..sush la nk ingat anatomy once dpt ingat anatomy and dpt correlate antomy dgn clinical and xray woo sgt best rase..rase pndai sikit..heee..mula2 masuk  ortho mmg xsuka, dgn wad yg bau busuk sbb DFU smelling abes melekat kat white coat aku...pas lame2 dh biasa dh..anatomy and xray pun skrg leh la tahan tau juga la mana yg pntg..
what a relief! ak dh pass mid assessment aku dgn mr asyraff wong!..selagi x buat mid assessment selagi tu la aku xtng..sbb diorg ni leh jer nk exend ho kalu lambt wat assessment,,ni pun dh approach awal still postpone x3..eee cuak last mase hari khamis aku masuk elective ot, pagi mase mpo tu mr wong cari la aku n firdaus tuk assessment..ap lg ku xnk la lepaskn peluang sbb sush tau nk cari mase free dia.aku pun call siva, suh ganti elective ot aku  kes yg last tu kul 2 sbb aku nk g gak asessment walaupun mlm tu aku xstudy lasg, tgk movie jer, ye  la xbajet ada asessment sbb aku elective ot aku redah jer la, tawakal lillahitaala..hhuu
the aseesment went smooth jer..dia tanyer aku pasal step surgical approach to remove  ganglion mass kat dorsal of wrist..aku mmg xstudy topic ni..aku guna la segala experience aku assist ot mase surgical dpt la jwb yg xmenyimpang wong pun ckp ok good..hahaha..lega! question tanye aku pasal hip dislocation..dlm hati omg! aku xstudy la topic ni aku cuba jwb ap yg aku tahu dari kes hip dislocation yg aku attend kat wad..clinical la ni..huhu..dia tanye aku mcm ner nk reduce kn hip dislocation dpt la jwb dlm 60%  maneuver tu least xla menympang sgt kn?haha..the best part of this question is dia tanye aku what do u want to look at the xray hip ap view in case of hip dislocation,,ni aku mmg sure aku pun dgn bangga nya jwb i want to compare both left and right hip to look at any incongruent of affected hip because if there is intraarticular fragment, the hip is not well congruent..aku senym. dia pun kata ok that good..hehe..chewah..thank to mr sazali yg suka what teaching time morning round..if nk tahu everything by reading book jgn harap la...ok i pass my mid asssessment..cian kat junior aku sbb kne repeat mid assessmnt..sabor k epi..

ok la lega sbb dh tulis kat blog ni..sbb perkara yg mengembirakn aku xsepatutnya aku biar jer belalu pergi, rugi ooo..
skrg ni aku rase rindu dgn kat tunang aku..cepat la bln 7...xsabar nk jd wife dia!..doa aku tiap kali lepas solat ya Allah ko mudahkn la urusan pernikahan dan perkahwinan aku.berkati la kami,.kuat kan jodoh kami ya Allah..Amin

nota kaki; gembira bile dh melepasi satu2 step dlm hidup..

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