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Sunday 12 February 2012

be a smart malaysian

now 3am  but cannot sleep

topic be a smart malaysian..boring jer kn topic

tp ada mesej yg aku nk share dgn korang especially yg bride to be ni (if ad yg bace la heheeh)
at the moment mmg kita termasuk aku pikir hal kawen jer tp dun forget family yg kite akan build later
if aku, aku nk yg the best for my husband and kids in term of financial, health and kids education
here i come to know about investment and medical card
aku pun google and bace sana sini,bace blog of wealth planner and professional insurance agent
penting gak amek tahu pasal pasal investment and insurance ni
aku dh fham tp fhm sendiri jer la, xreti la nk explain kat sini..really, im not a good teacher..heee
cuma conclusion yg aku leh ckp investment is the way to expand  our saving..
contohnya if aku ada regular savng monthly and after 30 years aku manage to save up to rm 500k tp sbnarnya kalu dipikir balik nilai rm500k ni kecik jer tuk 30 tahun akan dtg..\mcm skrg 50rm kita bole beli apa la sgt biler shopping xmcm dulu rm 50 mcm2 bole beli..tu nama dia kuasa duit..makin lama kuasa duit makin tu yg aku pikir  nk involve dlm investment dari skrg..
tp mcm ner nk invest?hehee..ada bace x pasal kerajaan allow account satu kwsp di labur kan..sbb ap, sbb govermnt pun nk rakyat dia ada good life in retirement period..conth if depend kwsp jer after age 55 dpt la 500k tp if kita invest duit dlm kwsp tu maybe after age 55 kita dpt dlm longterm investment, can only be wihdraw after age better invest skg sementra harga seunit tg murah

2nd aku aims after kawen nk beli medical card for me myseft husband and anak (anak 1-2 jer hehee)
beli la  medical card to get the best medical treatment in any private hospital..sbb skrg ni kos perubatan makin mahal
if admitted kat govermnet mmg xselesa.aku yg keje kat hospital  pun xselesa ini kn nk admitted kat goverment..oh a big no for me
like my sister, anak dia kena demam je tp get treatment kat private hospital sbb dia ada medical card for her whole family dia,bln2 byr dlm 600rm to get coverage 500k per year
sayang tau nk guna duit saving tuk bayar bill hospita.if kita save 200rm per month , it requires at least 208 years to reach rm 500 000..kalau ditakdirkan kita sakit tp saving masih xseberapa, kos perubatn tiggi melambung so sape nk bayar?then terpaksa la g goverment je
insurance ni aku cuma ckp pasal medical card je.
yg pasal insurance nyawa tu depend korang  nk amek ker x..
bg aku mase hidup lg penting dari masa to the fullest..hee..even deman sikit2 aku nk pampered myselft kat private..

so aim aku pas kahwin
*investkan kwsp into trust unit, nk ajak husband invest juga..biar financially secured bila dh tua nant
*beli medical card to cover me, my husbnd and kids

for more information below is a good wedsite i found

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